Please use the 'Contact Us' function below for a free, no commitment, fee proposal
Please use the 'Contact Us' function below for a free, no commitment, fee proposal
The ESG team work and closely collaborate with client teams in order to embed biodiversity measures within design proposals, for successful planning applications. Our team of senior staff have excellent working relationships with Local Planning Authorities, statutory government conservation bodies, and regularly correspond with these on behalf of clients.
The ESG team work and closely collaborate with client teams in order to embed biodiversity measures within design proposals, for successful planning applications. Our team of senior staff have excellent working relationships with Local Planning Authorities, statutory government conservation bodies, and regularly correspond with these on behalf of clients.The ESG team work and closely collaborate with client teams in order to embed biodiversity measures within design proposals, for successful planning applications. Our team of senior staff have excellent working relationships with Local Planning Authorities, statutory government conservation bodies, and regularly correspond with these on behalf of clients.
The ESG team have significant expertise in providing ecological consultancy services for clients from a diverse a range of sectors; including single property home owners, large scale housing / infrastructure developers, renewable energy companies, planning consultants, architects, commercial forestry organisations, local authorities, regional water companies, and wildlife conservation NGO's.
No matter the size of the project or where you are...we are here to assist you. We cover the whole of the UK, Isle of Man, and Channel Islands. No matter the size of the project or where you are...we are here to assist you.
The ESG team have a vast amount of experience in ecological and ornithological surveying, and can provide all of the field surveys required to inform your project. Whether it's great crested newt surveys required for a road scheme, breeding bird surveys to support a solar farm development, vantage point bird surveys for a wind power project, bat surveys to inform a building renovation, or badger surveys to assist with a grid connection application, ESG's licenced ecologists can reliably undertake the surveys required for you to successfully ensure that you are compliant with legislation and policy.
If you require the skills that our team can supply, or advice regarding the specific ecological input required to inform your project, please contact us.